June 01, 2024

Commercial Properties | SOMERSET | VP 360 Survey

Vantage Point Commercial Properties

This is a Beautiful HOA.
Vantage Point VP | 360 Survey was an intregral part
of Winning the Insurance Claim.
Storm / Hail Coverage on Exteriors (Roof, Gutter Systems etc...)
Unfortunately, at the last minute, there was an Association Dispute
and the project was held up in Arbitration.
However, I was grateful for the opportunity to Build the Project.

VP has built a production packet, 
w/360 aerial surveilance, 
collated from the inspection & put together a 
comprehensive Drone Report.
46 Residents | 23 Buildings | 3 Styles w/Variations

VP | 360

May 30, 2024


Vantage Point Media | VP 360

...on the eve of the "First Flight" YouTube Video
going viral and likely breaking 100,000 views...
we produced a follow up sequal ~ BLUE LAKE.
Denny Sleen is about to retire as a local High School
Shop Teacher, who started an Aviation Club,
who together built a one of a kind UltraLight.
The Legal Eagle (imprinted with the PR Panthers Logo)
has been paraded through town on occassion,
but sets dormant in a hanger in the winter.
Yet, when the skies are clear in the more aimable seasons
there is a distinctive (almost) "chitty-chitty-bang-bang"
that reverberates off the lakes above the tree line
of Northern Minnesota.
The finesse to which Denny now possesses to gently maneuver
the Legal Eagle just off the surface of Blue Lake is a Master Class.
Enjoy the Extended Cut

VP | 360

Original Footage of "First Flight" 
crossed the viral threshold of 
1.3million Impressions

May 20, 2024

May 16, 2024

Mamas Birthday Rap | Ani & Trey Original


It's Your Birthday | Go Mom
"Mama I Love You"

Ani & Trey Original Rap

Vantage Point Media Family

May 11, 2024

Commercial Properties | HIDDEN TERRACE | VP 360

Vantage Point | Commercial Properties

VP 360 Consulting | Drone Specialist
Retail Roofing System Replacement,
16 Buildings Identified @ Hidden Terrace HOA
Various Accessories & Gutter System Replacement
Vantage Point Project Management (PM)
Quality Control (QC)
Sample ~ VP Consulting Commercial Properties (HOA) Project

VP 360

April 30, 2024

MN Property/Casualty | VP Certification

Course Work Certificate (Above) License (Below)
 Vantage Point | Testing Day for 
Independent Adjuster License
This License 🪪 is honored in 47 states.
Can you guess which 3 states do their own thing?
~ CA, NY, AK ~

April 26, 2024

Swift Sacco | VP LAB [short]

Hot Off the Press of VP Labs!
Proud to Announce
Vantage Point |Promo ~SHORT~

Swift Sacco
SOHI Village Bank

VP | BaM

April 25, 2024

Village Bank/Swift Sacco | VP LaB

Hot Off the Press of VP Labs!
Proud to Announce
Vantage Point | SOHI Collaborative 
w/ Swift Sacco
Nicholas Odoi is a Colleage/Entrepeneur/Brother
who has built & managed Swift Sacco.
in order to establish an Affordable, Reliable, and Easy to use
CRM System for our SOHI "Village Banking"

Sacco is an Acronym for Savings And Credit Co-Operative society.
Which is a fancy modern way to label a "Village Banking System"
~ a member based financial institution owned & controlled
by its members, who are also the customers using its services.
The Sacco organization operates on co-operative values,
identity, and principles; which include social responsibility,
openness, honesty, and caring for each other.
(Similar but Different to a Credit Union in the West)

We hope to introduce the Swift Sacco software system
to other Non-Profits Org (NPO's) & Non-Gov-Org. (NGO's)
as a tool to stream line their record keeping.
This will be a big help within the organizations themselves.
BONUS: it offers both digital & printable reports.
for Local, Provincial, or National Gvmts requesting 
records for TAXES, and other evaluations.
...Think of it like a personalized/inexpensive Quickbooks
that can handle all your organizatons receipts, savings, loans etc...
Assisting 3rd world practices with 1st world solutions
It's Affordable, Reliable, and Easy to Use
SOHI Approved!
Training our SOHI Staff, Nulu, Betty, Jayne
Moving our Records from an Analog System (Pen & Paper Ledger)
to the Swift Sacco System (Into the Digital Age)
So grateful for Nicholas & His Colleagues
for their hard work that they have put into this system!


April 20, 2024


Two BUCKETS | Short Story

illustrating the unseen by-product of Hope!

So often in our messy / broken stories
we are unable to see purpose & meaning,
and yet there is a particular kind of Hope!
a Hope that does NOT lead to disappointment.

~it is the kind of hope that is built on character,
which is forged through the perserverence of hard times ~

VP | BaM

April 18, 2024

TWLIGHT Lyft~Bridge DULUTH | VP 360

DULUTH, MN | Twilight Flight @ the Lyft-Bridge

Vantage Point | 360
 CityScapes | Rec. Properties
[Commercial & Residential]

VP | 360