April 27, 2022

New Partner | DJI Mavic Air 2s

This is my new partner - he needs a name?
DJI Mavic Air 2s sUAS [Drone]
Nearly ready for Launch

I've spent the last few days
studying, researching, shadowing,
inspecting, and following bids across the 
Minneapolis & St. Paul Skyline.
[A lot of roofs, gutters, siding, & decks, to be remodeled]

Click on Pics above & zoom in to see City-Scape.
the roof of a Four Story HOA Building 
could use a little Drone Footage

Vantage Point LLC
will be using the latest technology
in Drone Surveillance to assist in
consulting with clients;
aerial footage of roofs, siding, decks.

April 19, 2022

LEGAL EAGLE | First Flight

 Introducing the "Legal Eagle"
Homemade Ultralight *Digitally Remastered Short
by Vantage Point
original footage below

My Uncle, Denny Sleen 
had a dream of building his own plane.
A man of many talents, and a mind for engineering.
He put himself through flight school, and picked up
a job at the local municipal airport.  After putting in the hours,
he purchased what was needed and assembled the kit.
After a couple taxis at the airport, and 
a few minor/major set backs he was ready for take off.

The video above is one of his first real flights.
For me, part of the ground crew, I just wanted to be there
so that I could capture the moment and share it with the world.
It was one of my first short promo videos/edits 
I ever captured just for fun, and it went viral ...at least locally.
It was one of my first YouTube videos that garnered 
over 1k views... it now has over 35k views.

It sparked within me a dream of a different sort;
To fly an unmanned aircraft,
capture more unforgettable moments, 
and create stories, timelapses, and art in motion.
Denny's Legal Eagle
was about as unmanned as you can get.
This single seater, light weight aircraft
has been awe-inspiring for Vantage Point.

I can only imagine what its like to fly such a craft.
For now I will stick to the ground and let my drone
take to the sky.

Denny Sleen & Phil Campbell
"Pilot to Co-Pilot"
original footage...

April 18, 2022

the NAME ~ Vantage Point

Phil Campbell on top of The Butte /byo͞ot/, Alaska

The Name Vantage Point LLC 
is the convergence of a number of concepts.

Often times a Vantage Point is the view from the top.
It is a place of perspective, a vista of sight
which is aesthetically breathtaking, beautiful,
mesmerizing and a place to pause and soak in the wonder.
Yet, sometimes the vantage point comes from below.
Crawling as a child in the nursery, driving through a tunnel,
sledding on a frozen pond, or scuba diving around a reef,
these are all unique vantage points from top to bottom.

A Vantage Point is a place of penultimate perspective.
...Order & making sense of things that matter,
happens from a position of perspective, wisdom, and wholeness.
The perspective from the canopy of a tree, 
down its trunk, to the tips of a vast root system
(ever notice how it looks eerily similar 
to our lungs & microscopic capillaries...)
What are we to make of these mirrored perspectives?

Also, there is a Vantage Point that is rich with knowledge
and counsel from those who have been where we are headed.
Some live long enough to have a wealth of sage advice.
The accumulation of experiences, failures & successes,
can be a treasure trove for those who glean from 
the Vantage Point of the wise.

The vocational sides of Vantage Point LLC

1] Vantage Point Consult
Primarily to be a consulting platform 
for niches within the construction industry.
Hail Damaged Roofs, Epoxy Floors, Replacement Siding,
and other services - assisting clients & contractors
with products for your projects.

2] Vantage Point Capture
Secondarily as a Commercial Drone Pilot
offering expanded services of 
multi-media to assist in various projects:
Aerial Photos, Timelapse, Storytelling,
Project Updates, Land Survey, Construction Mapping...

3] Vantage Point Catalyst
With 20+ years launching students into various careers,
the heartbeat of Vantage Point is to speak into others,
igniting God-Given passions & sharpening skill sets;
Teaching, Coaching, Cultivating Events,
Retreats, Launching Missional Businesses [BAM]
Domestic & Foreign...


Inspired by Habakkuk 3:17-19

...God, the Lord, is my strength;
he makes my feet like those of a deer;
he makes me tread on my high places.

Altitude University - UAS Pilot School

Ground School for pilots stretched me.
But studying through Altitude University 
gave me confidence to get my certification.

And now I'm a Licensed  UAS Pilot in Command
[Commercial Drone Operator]

Shout out to Altitude University

April 14, 2022

VP | 360 [Multi-Media Services]

VP | 360
 Vantage Point (LLC) Consulting 
Generating, Developing, & Launching
Missional Businesses
~ Specializing in Drone Videography ~
Expanding Multi-Media Services
UAS [Drone] Commercial Pilot Licensure
Aerial Footage, Timelapse, Storytelling, 
Land Survey, Construction Mapping

or Free Consult
1(218)235-1304 | vantagepointstory@gmail.com

VP | 360
 Vantage Point (LLC) Consulting
Continues to Experiment with an atypical Business Model.
At the heart of VP|360 we are being stretched by core values 
which are counter-cultural & counter-intuitive.
We remain in a posture of gratitude & gleaning.
We hope to be an encouragement to others as we 
learn from our failures & successes.
We have had a mix of both 😉
In the past few years we have had the privledge to 
begin developing a set of core values 
based on various missional businesses
(both foreign and domestic)

~ Self-Sustaining Businesses that Exponentially Multiply
~ Practicing Generosity in the Face of Scarcity
~ The Art of Messianic Economics
~ Leveraging Culturally Savvy Niches
~ Honor, Honesty, & Humility
~ the Advantage of being Disadvantaged 

We hope to unpack these in a series

Floors by VP Consulting

Floors ~ Epoxy, Carpets, Vinyl & more...
with Vantage Point LLC Consulting
Servicing the greater Minnesota 
...and central Florida regions

Assisting Residential & Commercial needs

Sales and Network Services through Vantage Point LLC

here is the link for 
Epoxy Floors 
Josh Gabriel is expanding the business to Florida
follow the Link above for Contact Info.


Carpet Vinyl 
Install through
Tim is Expanding the business to Northern Minnesota 
follow the link above for Contact Info.

Floors [Epoxy] Commercial Timelapse

Commercial Time Lapse

TBL Coatings

Epoxy Floors 
with Vantage Point LLC Consulting
Servicing the greater Minnesota / Florida regions

April 13, 2022

Floors [Epoxy] Residential Timelapse

Residential Time Lapse

TBL Coatings

Epoxy Floors with Vantage Point LLC Consulting
Servicing the greater Minnesota / Florida regions