September 26, 2022

OKLAHOMA | Juniper

VP | BaM presents

Helping pastoral couples discover and experience spiritual rest.
Juniper Tree exists to refresh pastoral couples through an extended stay at one of our retreat sites for spiritual rest, physical recreation, mental reflection and ministry re-engagement.
Rest / Recreate / Reflect / Re-engage
Our identity is Jesus. Our freedom is Jesus. Our priority is Jesus. Our rest is Jesus.

September 25, 2022


MLS - Major League Soccer
Minnesota United Football Club

VANTAGE POINT | 360 Survey

Allianz Field

September 24, 2022

Cedar Valley Church | VP Cityscape

VP presents Cedar Valley Church
Bloomington, Minnesota

Close to MSP Airport / Mall of America
Vantage Point Stratagies ~ Special FAA permission to fly 

Spanning North by North West
Altitude 150' AGL
Lat: 44.85
Long: -93.25

VP | BaM

September 22, 2022

Rain Delay | Muddypuddle Boots

"I feel better when I'm Dancing"

VPpresents Rain Delay

a Daddy Daughter Original
Staring Amelia Campbell

[There may be a hidden track on the end...]

September 16, 2022

VP Townhome Survey

Newly Developed Town Home Association
Recently Tagged with Strom Dammage 

Difficult to survey 
this Three story structures without a drone.
That is where Vantage Point Survey is deployed

The Hail Hits are pretty obvious on this storm damage HOA

The HOA has put in an insurance claim to their insurer
now it is up to an Adjuster to do an inspection
and confirm the damages.

September 07, 2022

VP Consulting with Dementia

Came across a Client yesterday that had Dementia
Tried to be her advocate, by making phone calls to 
Insurance, Previous Repair Guys, and Family.
Had a break through the next day by serendipitously
connecting with her daughter... Her roof has some
major issues and it is good to see family step in...
...Still, Dementia is a hard thing... 
...Still, Processing, and Praying for Pat...