July 17, 2024


Drone | Draft | Design ~ VP|360
Grateful for the opportunities to come alongside residence, businesses, & communities to Capture & Catipult their projects.  Pictured above is an early Masterplan for the City of Menahga.  Vantage Point is consulting with their City & Commerce division to build out the next phases of their development.  Pictured below are residential homes ALL NEW BUILDS. So there is no existing GiS or Satellite imaging to assist in their property management.  Touch of Eden Landscaping  has employed Vantage Point to capture real time drone footage then overlay it with layers of blueprints & projects.  What a joy to see many of these projects come to pass.  For example the last picture is of the installed Irrigation System at one of our clients... The drone picture color coordinates the details of each zone, where the intake pump is, each particular zone, the lines and heads. Bonus: we carved out a new level recreation area for future Volleyball, Pickleball, Croquet etc...
Preliminary Drafts: courtesy of Touch of Eden Landscaping

July 12, 2024

TOEL | VP Re-Branding

3rd Place

2nd Place

Touch of Eden Landscaping
Logo Winner

Logo Honorable Mentions

July 08, 2024

Generosity vs. Scarcity | VP BaM

Bundibugyo, Uganda (Near Fort Portal, Uganda)

A couple of my key mentors & their families spent significant missional time in Uganda.  (Shout out to Russ/Lois Paulson who served out of Kampala, along with Mark/Beth Waller who served out of Fort Portal). I never wished for, nor did we ever dream, that we my bride (Anna) & I would pick up a similar thread of missional work in some of these same foothills with Sisters of Hope International (SOHI Kampala & Masaka). Anna & I feel very underqualified, and by most estimations lack the pedigree to undertake such a radical work.  Especially the task of raising support! Even as I write this blog and process the mountain of need before us, the doubt and limitations are a strangling force that I'm constantly praying through and holding the tension with.  
However, I CAN NOT - NOT Participate in what God has so intuned our hearts for in supporting our brothers & sisters in East Africa.  I'm sure there are other regions of the world, tribes, families, individuals who equally deserve to be highlighted, yet these are the ones God has tied our heart strings to.  And so with a radical trust in Jesus to do what only he can do, I came across this podcast this morning that aligns with a message I've been preaching to myself, and praying that it spills out of my life as I learn to live a life of abundant generosity in the face of scarcity.  What a challenge this is to me? And yet in the economy of Jesus - His way of Not Hording, but Rather Sharing ~

In this Episode is a illustration/story that breaks me / softens me! it is a story told from the 1st hand perspective of an unlikely leader (an African Pastor ) who may have likely traveled in the same circles, walked that same Rwenzori Mountains of Eastern Uganda, sat under the same conferences that my mentors missionaly labored in decades ago, and now I'm reciprocating to the next generation ~ practicing generosity when scarcity is all around us can be radically transformative.
(Bonus: I love to hear the broken-english-african accent).
As the Lord Leads, please take this attached podcast to heart.
...and may God do abundantly more than we could ask or imagine...

VP | BaM