Vantage Point Media | VP 360
...on the eve of the "First Flight" YouTube Video
going viral and likely breaking 100,000 views...
we produced a follow up sequal ~ BLUE LAKE.
Denny Sleen is about to retire as a local High School
Shop Teacher, who started an Aviation Club,
who together built a one of a kind UltraLight.
The Legal Eagle (imprinted with the PR Panthers Logo)
has been paraded through town on occassion,
but sets dormant in a hanger in the winter.
Yet, when the skies are clear in the more aimable seasons
there is a distinctive (almost) "chitty-chitty-bang-bang"
that reverberates off the lakes above the tree line
of Northern Minnesota.
The finesse to which Denny now possesses to gently maneuver
the Legal Eagle just off the surface of Blue Lake is a Master Class.
Enjoy the Extended Cut
VP | 360
Original Footage of "First Flight"
crossed the viral threshold of
1.3million Impressions