August 15, 2024

TOEL @ Lake Belle Taine | VP 360

Touch of Eden Landscaping (TOEL)
VANTAGE POINT Drone & Design | VP 360
Lake Belle Taine, Nevis (Higgins Project)
This began with as a consult on Shoreland Alterations/Permits
and turned into a full scale, multi-phase Project.
Looking forward to putting this job together. 
It May be difficult to see, but each of these designs are layered on top of original Drone Shots.
assisted by: Vantage Point (VP | 360) Captures Real Time Drone footage 
& then Maps the Landscaping Design, Layer after Layer over the Aerial Photos.
This is key in 75% of the Projects are Layered over New Builds,
because there is no real time satelite footage/aerials to design with, especially on New Builds.
Therefore the Drone Technology is Crucial to Many projects like this one.
Hardscape Preparations, and Lake Access Projects
Foundational Landscaping, Boulder Retaining Walls, Flagstone Patios
Final Grade/Slope, Irrigation Systems, Revegitation
VP | 360